Forums - Marvel Super Heroes Tiers? Show all 18 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Marvel Super Heroes Tiers? ( Posted by Crayfish on 06:24:2001 05:27 PM: Marvel Super Heroes Tiers? Marvel Super Heroes Tiers? Well we have had COTA, now how about MSH. Before anyone says anything I know that Dr.Doom & Thanos will be up there . Was this game played much at comps when it was new? Is it a good vs game? Posted by Murakumo on 06:24:2001 05:32 PM: The last time I played this game I was like 10 or something and only Played IronMan... he seemed to do pretty well. Both Doom and Thanos were up there I guess. IronMan has mad priority on his proton cannon it seemed any time they jumped in... qcf+pp and it did sooooo much!!! ~Murakumo Posted by Iceman on 06:24:2001 05:35 PM: I thought it was Wolvey, and maybe Spidey second. BTW, I'm not sure if that list reflected Doom and Thanos or not. Posted by disgruntled goa on 06:24:2001 05:48 PM: Was Anita good in that game? All I know about her is that her super does a lot of chip damage. Posted by Ninja Pea on 06:24:2001 07:18 PM: I dont think she was in that game. But my personal Favourite is Shuma-Gorath! Posted by Josh-TheFunkDOC on 06:24:2001 07:49 PM: Almost everybody I've heard says Spider-Man is the best in this game. It was also considered the best Marvel game before MvC2 came out. Spider-Dan posted his own rankings for this a couple years back in I won't copy his whole chart (which included number of wins out of 10 for every matchup), since I'm not thinking he'd like that, but I'll say the order he said they went in, just for fun: 1. Spidey 2. Captain America 3. Wolverine 4. Shuma-Gorath(he hinted at learning some trick that may move him up, I remember) 5. Blackheart 6. Juggernaut 7. Iron Man 8. Magneto 9. Hulk 10.Psylocke Posted by mondu_the_fat on 06:25:2001 12:44 AM: 1) wolverine (1 hit is all he needs) 2) Spiderman 3) everyone else Shuma is supposed to have a death combo (big furry deal, considering there's a lot of infinites in the game). Doom, Anita, and Thanos can't be played in the arcades, so inclusion in ranks is moot. However, I think Thanos rocks. Posted by mondu_the_fat on 06:25:2001 12:47 AM: quote: Originally posted by Josh-TheFunkDOC It was also considered the best Marvel game before MvC2 came out. I agree (frankly I think the other games suck). But the game really could have benefitted from push block. And the abilities of Wolvie and Spiderman put them so far above the other characters the games becomes so boring sometimes (esp. Wolvie mirror matches -- yuck). Posted by Ultima on 06:25:2001 04:25 AM: Only a couple things to note to supplement SpiderDan's old rankings: 1) If I remember correctly, Ironman is ranked very high in Japan (no 2 I think?). Something to do with his insanely fast flight mode. 2) Both Doom and Thanos are really powerful. They're top tier I believe (if not in a tier by themselves). 3) In case you're curious, Anita is GOD. She is easily the most overpowered character in existence. ST Akuma, 3S Gill, Omega Rugal, Cyber Akuma.. none of these characters can compare to Anita. For the following reasons (if I'm wrong on any of these, somebody please correct me): - She's so small, she can duck under Spidey's webballs. Most ground moves whiff her, and she falls out of most air combos. - She has a do a six-hit jumping combo... on Wolverine. - She has a dashing ground combo sequence that is not only an infinite, but can put you in infinite block stun. - Simple air combo: launcher, sj. jab -> sj. short -> sj. strong -> sj. forward XX lightning attack (special, not a super). 40% damage - Her super is the most unfair thing ever. It does about 90% damage if it hits, and it still does about 80-85% damage BLOCKED. Hmmm.. Maybe they should make Anita a boss for CvS2. Nah, that would be too much... Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 06:25:2001 04:33 AM: I havent play the game in a LONG time so can someone explain who Anita is? And I thought Spider-Man was really good. So I would say he's top tier. Posted by Smiley on 06:25:2001 04:55 AM: no man, HULK is KING! j/k (he sucks so much.. he doesn't even have the gamma wave special move) iron man is pretty good, i'd say. not too sure bout the tiers, but his cannon does crazt damage.. and his smart bombs were easy to do... just RH and FP Posted by Smiley on 06:25:2001 04:59 AM: oh, and anita was this little girl that was a secret character in the console versions of the game. i think she was a characer from the Dark Stalkers/Vampire Saviour line of games.. as Ultima has said before, she was greatly overpowered... much more then cyber akuma Posted by SF2Freak on 06:25:2001 07:06 AM: quote: Originally posted by mondu_the_fat 1) wolverine (1 hit is all he needs) 2) Spiderman 3) everyone else Shuma is supposed to have a death combo (big furry deal, considering there's a lot of infinites in the game). Doom, Anita, and Thanos can't be played in the arcades, so inclusion in ranks is moot. However, I think Thanos rocks. Spiderman is better than Wolvie because spiderman is still one hit and you die, and it's easier for spiderman to land that one hit. I still think Juggy kills wolvie and does good against Spiderman tho, because if juggy has meter and a gem, you can't attack him. Even tho there are definate tiers in the game, it's actually pretty balanced for the most part. Posted by DjStorm on 06:25:2001 07:19 AM: Yes Anita ownz all in 2D fighters... Way too over powered... For those who have never see this 80+% percent super she send hundreds of dollheads at you... Love for You!!! It is quite amuzing or demeaning when hit by it... Also she is the seemingly emotionless girl who follows Donovan around in the background of the darkstalkers games... As the story goes her whole family was killed by demitri and she was bitten and left for dead herself... Donovan saved her but she is stricken by what she has seen and seemingly a disturbed little girl with amazing powers as you see briefly in the Anime... Also it is believed she is half vampire like donovan... Appearances:Nightwarriors(Background),Vampire Savior(Background),MSH(Console only playable fighter),and Puzzle Fighter(Hidden version of Donovan) and probably other background appearances I can't think of right now. Hope that helps DJ Storm One of Darkstalkers biggest fan on the EC.. I guess Chen is one the WC Sad there doesnt seem to be many of us out there... Posted by Ouroborus on 06:25:2001 07:43 AM: She was also an assist in MvC1. Pretty much like Doom's. Hmm, can we say Strider/Anita trap? It probably might or might not work. and i think magneto was top tier in MSH. Once he has the Space Gem, he is Impenetrable! Posted by Middlekick on 06:25:2001 06:47 PM: quote: Originally posted by Ouroborus and i think magneto was top tier in MSH. Once he has the Space Gem, he is Impenetrable! One uni-beam from Ironman dissolves the force field completely. Also, Shuma can use his chaos dimension to grab Maggy in his force field. Posted by Buktooth88 on 06:25:2001 07:08 PM: some quick questions: what other cool stuff did Spidey and Wolvie have besides their infinites? What were the infinites? Good ways to set them up? I stopped playing fighting games between 95-97, so I didn't really see much advanced stuff at this game. I dominated my shitty arcade by just doing air combos with Spidey. Posted by REALPLAYER on 06:25:2001 09:35 PM: As far as I know: Wolvie Infinite (Doesn't seem to work on IM): d.jab, d.strong, s.roundhouse, sj.jab, sj.d.forward(the dive kick), sj.fierce, sj.roundhouse, land, dash, relaunch, repeat. Spidey Infinite: d.short, d.forward, s.roundhouse XX Spider Sting, otg c.short, s. strong XX Spider Sting, (s.strong XX Spider Sting), repeat Mag Infinite 1 (Only works on Psylocke, Spidey, Wolvie, I think): in corner, Hyper Grav, s.roundhouse XX Hyper Grav, s.roundhouse XX Hyper Grav...... Mag Infinite 2 (difficult, must NOT be an otg, I got about 12 hits on Wolvie before he got dizzy) strong throw (up), (c.short, c.roundhouse), repeat Mag "Infinite" 3 (Inspired by MvC2 Mag reset combos!) In corner, (d.fierce, pause, sj, strong throw up, Hyper Grav), repeat Thanos Infinite (the EASIEST infinite ever!!): In corner, (s.roundhouse (2 hits), Bubble), repeat Tiers (IMO) 1.Wolvie....after him, no one else matters! All times are GMT. The time now is 10:38 PM. Show all 18 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.